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Construction Managers plan, coordinate, budget, and supervise construction projects from start to finish. They ensure that all the employees are working efficiently and in a safe, punctual manner. Construction Managers also oversee the building materials and crews.
See our list of over 350 action verbs to find more.
Construction Managers not only need to be knowledgeable about construction itself, but they also need to be able to work effectively with people.
Construction Managers generally require a bachelor’s degree in construction science, construction management, architecture, or engineering. Some colleges offer two-year degrees in these areas, which, when coupled with construction experience, is adequate for managers of small projects.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, some individuals with a high school diploma and many years of experience in a construction trade may be hired as construction managers, these individuals are typically qualified to become self-employed general contractors.
On the job experience in construction is also necessary before one can become a manager. This experience can be gained through internships, cooperative education programs, or previous work in the construction industry. Some construction managers become qualified solely through extensive construction experience, spending many years in carpentry, masonry, or other construction specialties.
Certifications are not mandatory, but can help your resume stand out.
Some states also require that construction managers be licensed in order to work on public projects.
Requirements for licensure vary by state but generally involve the following:
Job Outlook
The job outlook for Construction Managers is growing at 10% per year, which is considered to be faster than average. In 2018 there were 471,800 jobs available.
Average Salary
Construction Managers make $95,260 per year on average. However, salaries could be as high as $145,400 depending on experience, certifications, and location.
Top Paying Salaries by State
Search for Construction Manager Jobs
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