We’ll help you make your resume as crisp as your websites!
Web Developers design and create websites. They are responsible for coding the website and for making it look appealing.
See our list of over 350 action verbs to find more.
Web Developers not only need technical knowledge of languages such as HTML and JavaScript, but you also need to be adept at working with clients.
Web Developers generally require a bachelor’s degree in computer science, programming, or a related field. You must also be knowledgeable in HTML, JavaScript, SQL and a variety of other languages and even multimedia publishing tools, such as Flash.
Requirements to be a Web Developer vary by state but generally involve the following:
Certifications are not necessary, but can show employers that you’re an expert in the field:
Job Outlook
The job outlook for Web Developers is growing at 13% per year, which is considered to be much faster than average. In 2018 there were 160,500 jobs available.
Average Salary
Web Developers make $73,760 per year on average. However, salaries could be as high as $142,080 depending on experience, location, and the company for whom you work.
Top Paying Salaries by State
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