Bring an irresistible resume to the table with our tips and tricks.
Waiters take customers’ orders, relay them to the kitchen, and bring out food and drinks. They are the face of the restaurant, and therefore must be pleasant and helpful.
Let’s review the steps to creating an enticing resume for a waiter.
See our list of over 350 action verbs to find more.
Waiters need to be able to multitask and deal with conflicts, whether it’s with other customers or fellow employees.
Waiters do not require a college degree or a GED diploma. You just need a strong work ethic and a willingness to get your hands dirty.
Some restaurants require waiters to have a food handling certification, though this is mainly for managers and upper-level employees. However, you must be a certain age -- 21 in some states, 17 in others -- to serve alcohol. Check your state for age requirements in this matter.
Job Outlook
The job outlook for Waiters is growing at 6% per year, which is considered average. In 2018 there were 2,634,600 jobs available.
Average Salary
Waiters make $22,890 per year on average. However, this depends on each state’s minimum wage. Some states have salaries as low as $2.65, while others start at $11.00. Your salary also depends on the type of restaurant and the location, because tips are better in metropolitan areas and upscale restaurants.
Top Paying Salaries by State
Search for Waiter Jobs
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